This is request number 6 of 12 allowed for this hour.
Your account expires at the end of June, 1999.

                            INDEX OF SURNAMES FOUND
(SNDX=Soundex, S=Sex, P=Parents known, F=# families, Chi=# children)

Last, First Name    INDI# Spouse Name      SNDX Birthdate   Deathdate   Dbase   
------------------ ------ ---------------- ---- ----------- ----------- ------- 
LARRIFORD, Rebecca 322    STEARNES, Shubae L616        1710             MURO8FA 

     ***** 1 entry found for name: "larriford" *****

Our supply of data is constantly growing.  If these search results do not
include the person(s) you are particularly hunting, you should try again later.
When you do, you can make things easier for yourself b looking only at new data
by excluding all data submitted before today.  (See the documentation for a
description of how to do that by using the "LOADED SINCE" phrase.)

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