*****Section 1	Introduction to this FAQ
My roommate and I have two loves in life: the Blues Brothers and food 
(in that order).  Thus we have taken it upon ourselves to create and 
maintain a FAQ for this Usenet newsgroup.  This FAQ's version number is 
indicated at the beginning to identify the year and month of its release 
(99.01.23 = 1999 January 23rd).
The alt.fan.blues-brothers newsgroup is NOT for simply reciting quotes 
to each other but also to discuss the plot, the actors, the music, the 
band, and anything else remotely related to the movie.
Most of this FAQ is (currently) a collection of comments and movie lines 
posted into this newsgroup.  All contributions are welcomed.  If you see 
any errors in this file or you have additional information you REALLY 
want us to see, e-mail it to either of the following addresses:
	ccw4096@ritvax.isc.rit.edu		chuck
	jmh1686@ritvax.isc.rit.edu		joe
We read this newsgroup daily (OK, every 2-4 days) and include any NEW 
lines and/or trivia from the movie.  We make a strong effort to ensure 
each line is worded exactly as it appears in the movie.
We hope everyone is enjoying this educational use of national computing 
resources as we are -- God bless America and the Internet (grin).
Notes on the format of this FAQ:
Each section is preceded by four carriage returns, a line of *'s, and 
five *'s (*****).  We'll try to add the time into the movie that the 
scene occurred (just because we're trivial kind of guys that way).
Each line begins with the speaker's name/character (if known) then a 
colon, then a tab, then the text.
Trivia is placed wherever it occurs in the movie, and the text is put 
between <<< and >>>.
Table of Contents:
	Section 1		Introduction to this FAQ
	Section 2		For more information... (archives and
		Section 2.1		Books / Movie transcripts
		Section 2.2		Movie still pictures/posters
		Section 2.3		Movie music lyrics/chords
		Section 2.4		Movie sounds
		Section 2.5		Movie video tapes, laser discs, etc...
		Section 2.6		Movie CDs, audio tapes, LPs, etc...
		Section 2.7		Movie memorabilia / House of Blues
		Section 2.7.1  	Background on House of Blues
		Section 2.7.2  	The Cambridge, Massachusetts store
		Section 2.7.3  	The New Orleans, Louisiana store
		Section 2.7.4  	The Los Angeles, California store
		Section 2.7.5  	The San Francisco, California store
		Section 2.8		Disney Channel Special on the BB
	Section 3		Fan Club information
	Section 100		Transcript of the Blues Brothers Movie
		Section  100.1	Jake getting out of prison
		Section  100.2	Jake and Elwood's first words
		Section  100.3	Penguin in her office
		Section  100.4	Jake and Elwood getting pulled over
		Section  100.5	Chase scene TO the mall
		Section  100.6	Chase scene IN the mall
		Section  100.7	Jake and Elwood driving from mall to hotel
		Section  100.8	Jake and Elwood in hotel building
		Section  100.9	Jake and Elwood in hotel room
		Section  100.10	Next morning at hotel
		Section  100.11	"Mrs. Toronto" scene
		Section  100.12	Spanish/Mexican bar
		Section  100.13	French resturant
		Section  100.14	Nazi rally
		Section  100.15	Street dance and diner
		Section  100.16	Music shop
		Section  100.17	Outside music shop
		Section  100.18	Nazi headquarters
		Section  100.19	Outside Bob's Country Bunker
		Section  100.20	Inside Bob's Country Bunker
		Section  100.21	Outside Bob's Country Bunker
		Section  100.22	Car chase scene from Bob's
		Section  100.23	Sauna Bath
		Section  100.24	Everyone advertising the concert
		Section  100.25	Gas station
		Section  100.26	Hotel (Where are they?)
		Section  100.27	Gas station (So maybe...)
		Section  100.30	Cop dispatcher's office
		Section  100.31	Hotel (I don't see...)
		Section  100.32	Gas station ($94)
		Section  100.33	Hotel (crowd clapping impatiently)
		Section  100.34	Tunnel (Head hurts...)
		Section  100.35	Hotel (crowd chanting impatiently)
		Section  100.36	Outside Hotel by RV
		Section  100.37	Hotel (Orange Whip)
		Section  100.38	Sewer Tunnel (Jake removes sunglasses)
		Section  100.39	Car under bridge
		Section  100.40	Hotel (Twigy waiting)
		Section  100.41	Police Road Blocks
		Section  100.42	The big chase scene (tm)
		Section  100.43	Band in prison: Jailhouse rock
	Section 200		Music lyrics
		Section 210		Lyrics to "Rawhide"
		Section 220		Lyrics to "Stand by your man"
		Section 230		Lyrics to "She caught the Katy"
		Section 240		Lyrics to "Everybody Needs Somebody"
		Section 250		Lyrics to "Sweet Home Chicago"
	Section 300		Roles famous people play in the movie
	Section 700		Trivia and nonsense
		Section 710		Trivia Quizes for the Blues Brothers
		Section 711		Blues Brothers Trivia Quiz #1
		Section 720		Other trivia quizes
		Section 730		Totally useless facts and information
		Section 770		Quotes not yet identified or
		Section 790		Trivia not yet identified or
*****Section 2	Where to find more information  --  HELP!!!
*****Section 2.1		Books / Movie transcripts
For a movie transcript, this FAQ is the only one (though incomplete) of 
which I know.
"Rolling Stone visits Saturday Night Live"
Published in 1979 by Rolling Stone Press	ISBN: 0-385-15674-x
A compulation of Rolling Stone articles about SNL including the famous 
Blues Brothers piece by Timothy White.  This is THE article for the very 
famous Annie Leibovitz RS cover photo of Jake and Elwood with blue faces 
(Annie Leibovitz did the nude, pregger, Demi Moore on Vanity Fair).
"The Blues Brothers" A novel by Miami Mitch 
	(based on a screenplay by Dan Aykroyd and John Landis)
Published June 1980 by Jove 	0-515-05630-8
$2.50 when I bought it.
"The Blues Brothers - Private" by Judith Jacklin and Tino Insana
Published by Perigee Books 	$7.95 when I bought it.
Ad for this book: "Now, you can get the lowdown on The Blues Brothers.  
These are the records (report cards, loan applications, prison records, 
etc.) from the personnel file of dear Sister Mary Stigmata, the loving 
nun who raised them.  These files (hidden from prying eyes in a cracker 
box and only recently unearthed by sweet Sister Mary) tell the whole 
story of the brothers' - and the band's - rise to notority.  Get the 
inside "dish" - in BLUES BROTHERS-PRIVATE.  Included a poster.
*****Section 2.2		Movie still pictures/posters
*****Section 2.3		Movie music lyrics/chords
For movie lyrics, try the site:   cs.uwp.edu 
	in the directories:          /pub/music/lyrics/b/blues.brothers
*****Section 2.4		Movie sounds
*****Section 2.5		Movie video tapes, laser discs, etc...
For videos, try Mr.Benson's Video Collection:
	fax: +44-81-969-7211		voice: +44-81-960-4868
Here's some price info (from Spring 1993):
	VHR1382 Blues Brothers                    13.27 GPB
	VHR1611 Blues Brothers+CD (boxed set)     19.99 GPB
If you write to Warner Bros in Hollywood, you can get a Collector's 
Edition LD copy of the BB.  It includes the original theater-trailer (a 
must-see). We'll try to find the address and post it.
In Europe, places like Virgin records and Tower records usually carry 
the movie, as well as posters, postcards, and European compilations of 
past BB stuff.
There have been two versions of BB that I know of on Laser Disc.  
Unfortunately, neither one of them live up to the laser name, (ie., not 
very good quality)  It wouldn't surprise me, with the continued 
popularity of this film and a sequel in the works, for it to be re-
mastered for laser soon.  I hope so.  Digital audio and letterboxed 
would be nice  (not sure if PAL LD is out but NTSC is).
*****Section 2.6		Movie CDs, audio tapes, LPs, etc...
Three LPs were released from the BB movie:
	The Blues Brothers:	The Best of the Blues Brothers (1989)
		available on CD, cassette tape, and LP
	The Blues Brothers:	A Briefcase Full of Blues
		(Atlantic #19217-2)
	The Blues Brothers:	Made in America
		(Atlantic #16025-2)
	The Blues Brothers:	The Original Soundtrack
	The Elwood Blues Review:	Red, White, and Blue
		(post-Belushi, just the band with one appearance by Elwood)
	The Blues Brothers:	The Difinitive Collection (1989)
		(Atlantic #82428-2);  double-length (20 songs, 67 minutes)
		Note: does not include "Rawhide!"
	The Blues Brothers:	Live In Montreux
	The Blues Brothers:	Everybody Needs the Blues Brothers
		(released through either an Italian company or a German one
		 in Europe- a re-release of old stuff)
*****Section 2.7		Movie memorabilia / House of Blues Shop
*****Section 2.7.1		Background on House of Blues
Aykroyd did say that he is opening up several clubs called, "House of
Blues" in LA, Chicago, Boston, New Orleans, etc.  He was wearing a 
varsity jacket that had the BB logo on it and he said that the club is 
using the BB logo.  Maybe that's why he has re-purchased the rights.  I 
know the LA club is supposed to be on Sunset Blvd.  It's openning in 
*****Section 2.7.2		The Cambridge, Massachusetts store
the House of Blues.  It's in Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 
about three blocks from the Harvard subway station.  It's a blue house - 
easy to find.  There is live music every night, and lots of memorabilia, 
etc., including a gift shop downstairs.
When Jerry Garcia stopped by the manager was scolding the person on duty 
for not giving him a free jacket.  If you're not Jerry, you'll have to 
pay.  Also, when they first opened, they drove around Cambridge in an 
old police car with a big civil defense bullhorn strapped to the roof.  
("The Blues Brothers... Tell your friends...").  It looked exactly like 
the real thing.
The HOB does NOT have a catalog but will describe items over the phone 
and ship orders to you.  You can get the phone number from information.  
The gift store has a separate number (is it that big?).
*****Section 2.7.3		The New Orleans, Louisiana store
New Orleans opens on Janurary 29, 1994.
*****Section 2.7.4		The Los Angeles, California store
On Sunset Blvd in March, 1994.
*****Section 2.7.5		The San Francisco, California store
San Francisco in a couple of years.
*****Section 2.8		Disney Channel Special on the BB
There is a special on the Disney Channel tonight about the Blues 
Brothers.  It is called "The Best of The Blues Brothers."  The show is 
great, lots of live, never seen before, clips of concerts including the 
legendary New Years Eve closing of Winterland in SF where Elwood does 
Rubber Biscuit (1979, I think).
Interesting tidbits from Aykroyd about the forming of the band from his 
first meeting with Belushi to "I'm a King Bee, baby" to the "Made in 
America" album to current world tours and openings of HOBs by the Blues 
Brother's Band with and without Elwood (sadly, always without Jake).
The hour long show is set in a bar interview setting with Tom Davis (SNL 
writer and straight man of Franken and Davis) interviewing Danny and 
Elwood (for some reason they don't appear the table together too much). 
There are cuts to SNL clips and concert footage.
*****Section 3	Fan Club Information
The following is from Sally Chambers and John White:
My partner and I created the Blues Brothers Fan Club of America (BBFCA).  
Our club is very young and very small, and thus open to any fan who 
wants to join.  Just because It's called the Blues Brothers Fan Club of 
America, doesn't mean you have to be American to join.  If you Finns 
really want to prove you BB loyalty, this is a good way to do it.  And 
we promise we'll get the newsletter to you even if you live in Timbuktu.
We plan on publishing a newsltter roughly every other month that will 
have updates on the Sequel, the Band, and any other BB related news.  
There will be a small fee to join, probably about five bucks, to cover 
the cost of publishing and mailing these newsletters.  If you are 
interested, send email to:
		sally@gizmo.usc.edu   or   jolietjake@aol.com
We should have the first newsletter out around the first of the year
*****Section  100	Transcript of the Blues Brothers Movie
*****Section  100.1	Jake getting out of prison
What wing?
Maximum wing.  Block 9.
Stand of Release?
Three out of five.  Good behavior.
Give me a minute.
Frank Oz:	One unused prophylactic, one soiled.
*****Section  100.2	Jake and Elwood's first words
Jake:	What's this?
Elwood:	What?
Jake:	This car. This STUPID car.  Where's the Caddy?
Elwood:	The what?
Jake:	The Cadillac we used to have.  The Bluesmobile.
Elwood:	I traded it.
Jake:	You traded it for this?
Elwood:	No, a microphone.
Jake:	A Microphone? Okay, I can see that.  But where the hell did 
you get this?
Elwood:	From the Mount Prospect City police auction.  It's an old 
Mount Prospect City police car!
Jake:	Great!  The day I get out of prison, my own brother picks me 
up in a police car.
Elwood:	You don't like it?
Jake:	No, I don't like it.  (Tosses the lighter out the window.)
(Elwood jumps the drawbridge.)
Jake:	It's got a lot of pickup.
Elwood:	It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, cop tires, cop 
suspension, it's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run 
good on regular gas.
Elwood:	So is it the new Bluesmobile or what?
Jake:	Fix the cigarette lighter.
*****Section  100.3	Penguin in her office Scene
Jake:	...5000 bucks? No problem. Come on, Elwood!
Penguin:	No, I will NOT take your filthy, stolen money.
Jake:	Well, then, I guess you're really up shit creek.
(Penguin hits Jake with a wooden ruler.)
Jake:	Arrgh
Penguin:	Pardon me, what did you say?
Jake:	I offered to help you.
Penguin:	Um hm.
Jake:	You refused to take our money.
Penguin:	Um hm.
Jake:	Then I said, 'I guess you're really up shit creek.'
(Penguin hits Jake with a wooden ruler.)
Jake:	Arrgh
Elwood:	Christ, Jake, take it easy...
(Penguin hits both with a wooden ruler.)
Jake:	Elwood!
Jesus Crist!
Jesus Christ.
You fat Penguin!
Stop hitting me you fat penguin!
Rev. Brown:	When I woke up this morning I herad a disturbed sound.
Rev. Brown:	Do you SEE the LIGHT?!?
*****Section  100.4	Jake and Elwood getting pulled over
<<< They were playing "The Best of Sam & Dave" in the 8-track in the 
car.  The song "Soothe Me" was played when Jake and Elwood are driving 
in the night just before the "Shit!" - "What?" - "Rollers!" ... 
Elwood:	Shit!
Jake:	What?
Elwood:	Rollers.
Jake:	No!
Elwood:	Yeup!
Jake:	Shit!
Elwood:	I bet you they got SCMODS.
Elwood:	State County Municipal Offender Data System.
(Elwood's name lights up the SCMODS screen with...)
State, County, Municipal Offender Data System Report:
	ILLINOIS LICENSE : B263-1655-2187
<<<What was the rest saying? There were more than 100 moving violations 
etc.  Who knows the exact information that appeared on the screen? >>>
<<<In Illinois, the last five digits on your driver's license include 
your birthday (and gender) in an encoded format. According to Elwood 
Blues' driver's license number, he was born on July 1, 1952.>>>
Cop:	Elwood, we show your liscence currently under suspension.
Elwood:	They're not gonna catch us.  We're on a mission from God.
*****Section  100.5	Chase scene TO the mall
*****Section  100.6	Chase scene IN the mall
Checkout Lady:	Will there be anything else?
Man:	Yes, do you have a 'Miss Piggy?'
Lot's of space in this mall.
Man, this mall's got everything...
Baby clothes.
This place has got everything.
Disco pants and haircuts...
The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year...
Pier 1 Imports.
*****Section  100.7	Jake and Elwood driving from mall to hotel
(song is "Peter Gunn Theme")
*****Section  100.8	Jake and Elwood in hotel building
Loui:	Hey Sam.
Sam:	Hey Loui.  Anybody call for me on the phone?
Loui:	Nah.
Elwood:	This here's my brother Jake.
Did ya get me any Cheeze Whiz, boy?
<<<Earlier in the same scene, what is the motel concierge (?) watching 
on TV?  Was it prfessional wrestling?>>>
<<<The person who asks "You got my Cheeze Whiz, boy?" is a guy named 
"Shotgun Britton" and he is also, if you watch the credits closely, the 
person in charge of makeup.  Now, is he one of the card players?>>>
*****Section  100.9	Jake and Elwood in hotel room
Elwood:	Well, it ain't much, but it's home.
Jake:	How often does the train go by?
Elwood:	So often you won't even notice.
Elwood:	I falsified my renewal.
Elwood:	I put down 1060 West Addison.
Jake:	1060 West Addison... That's Wrigley Field.
Elwood:	I gotta hit the sack.  Hey you sleeze, my bed.
*****Section  100.10	Next morning at hotel
Thanks for your help Mr. Mercer.
Yeah, real cute.
Stand back.  (Buliding is dynamited as cops kick-in door.)
(Jake and Elwood emerge from brick pile.)
Elwood:	It's almost nine o'clock. We gotta go to work.
*****Section  100.11	"Mrs. Toronto" scene
Jake:	Mrs. Toronto?
Lady:	No, Mrs. Torentino.
Elwood:	Mam, do you have a ____________ or a ___________ living here?
Lady:	I don't take in boarders.  Not for a long time.
Elwood:	May we come in mam?
Elwood:	Do you have a forwarding address or a phone number?
Lady:	They were good boys.
Lady:	Are you two men with the police?
Elwood:	No, Ma'am. We're Musicians.
Lady:	Mr. Man!  Mr. Man!
Lady:	They left this card. Maybe it will help you.
*****Section  100.12	Spanish/Mexican bar
This is the band.
Got the money you owe us?
.... to cover you guys.
You did?
That's right.
We're putting th eband back together.
Look at you in those candy-a*s monkey suits.
.... goat piss into gasoline.
Forget it.
You'll never get Matt and Mr. Fabulous....
We're on a mission from God.
*****Section  100.13	French resturant
No sir, Mayor Daley no longer dines here sir....He's dead sir.
And your name.
(Jake whistles.)
Jake:	Save some bread for my brother.
We're putting...
We're on a mission from God.
I mean, they smell BAD.
Wrong glass, sir.
Jake:	How much for the little girl?
Jake:	'Ow much for de weemen!
Jake:	I want to buy your women. How much for your daughters?
Jake:	Sell them to me.  Sell me your children.
Jake:	hehehehehehehehehe
We're putting the band back together.
Jake:	If you say no, Elwood and I will come here for breakfast, 
lunch, and dinner every night of the week.
Sir.  Sir.  Sir.  Sir!  Sir!
*****Section  100.14	Nazi rally
Nazi:	White men, white women.
I hate Illinois Nazis...
*****Section  100.15	Street dance and diner
(John Lee Hooker playing.)
Four Fried Chickens and a coke.
Dry white toast
Elwood:  "I'll have some plain white toast"
Jake:    "Four fried chickens and a coke"
*****Section  100.16	Music shop
Ray Charles:	Breaks my heart to see a boy that young go bad.
*****Section  100.17	Outside music shop
Have I ever lied to you?
What are we goon do man?
*****Section  100.18	Nazi headquarters
The car belongs to a known traffic menace
Did you get his address?
Let's go.
(They go to Wrigley Field.)
Mr. Blues is gonna f**k up.  And when he does...
*****Section  100.19	Outside Bob's Country Bunker
What's the name of the place?
Here we are.
Bob's Country Bunker?
Must be some kind of mistake.
Jake:	Elwood, come with me.
*****Section  100.20	Inside Bob's Country Bunker
Well now, what can I get you boys?
Chicken wire?
This list doesn't mean anything.
Excuse me Ma'am, What kind of music do y'all have here?
Lady:	BOTH kinds, Country AND Western!
"We're the Good Old..Blues Brothers..Boys..from Chicago"
A couple from the Good Old Boys...
What key?
'A'. It's a good Country key.
Rawhide in A.
(They sing the song "Rawhide.")
*****Section  100.21	Outside Bob's Country Bunker
You'll see.
I say we give the Blues Brothers just one more chance.
Suppose we ain't got no permits, an we go on in there an play anyway.  
You gonna stop us?  You gonna look real funny eatin' corn on the cob 
with no f**king teeth!
You'd look mighty funny boy, eatin' corn on the cob with no f**king 
Elwood:  We'll talk to Bob.
I'm McElroy, lead singer and driver of the Winnebago.
<<<The Good Old Boys' RV was a Southwind, 25ft, 1978 or 1979.>>>
*****Section  100.22	Car chase scene from Bob's
Elwood:	Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration, don't fail us now!
<<<Billboard says: "See you.... >>>
Cop:	I don't believe it.
(Cops and RV crash.)
Cop:	Boys, you in big trouble.
*****Section  100.23	Sauna bath
We need 5,000 bucks fast.
Never heard of it.
Nice place up north.
Elwood:	I know about this stuff.  I've been exploited all my life.
You blackmailing me Jake?
We're on a mission from God.
*****Section  100.24	Everyone advertising the concert
We're going up North to put the word in the street.
Elwood:	And it's ladies night (pause) tonight at the Palace Hotel 
You two girls, you on the motorcycle, and it's ladies night.
*****Section  100.25	Gas Station
Gas Station attendant:	We're outta gas.
Jake:	Yeup, mind if we fill'er up?
Gas Station attendant:	Nope, we're outta gas.  The tanker truck's late.
Gas Station attendant:	Shoulda been here hours ago.
Elwood:	Want I should wipe the dead bugs off the windshield?
<<<Twiggy is the model left waiting in her convertible by Elwood.>>>
*****Section  100.26	Hotel (Where are they?)
Where are they?
*****Section  100.27	Gas station (So maybe...)
So maybe...
*****Section  100.30	Cop dispatcher's office
Thanks Marvin.
Debbie, get me troopers Davel and Mont.
*****Section  100.31	Hotel (I don't see...)
I don't see...
*****Section  100.32	Gas station ($94)
Elwood:	OK, that will be 94 dollars...
Twiggy:	Here's 95.
Elwood:	Here's a dollar change.
Elwood:	So... listen. If your date tonight don't work out for any 
reason...  there's a motel up there on the interstate... maybe we could 
say...  meet? Around... midnight?
Twiggy:	I'll think about it, Elwood. Okay?
*****Section  100.33	Hotel (crowd clapping impatiently)
(Crowd clapping impatiently.)
*****Section  100.34	Tunnel (Head hurts...)
Head hurts.
You better get bright pal.
.... as soon as they open in the morning.
*****Section  100.35	Hotel (crowd chanting impatiently)
Crowd:	We want the show.
(song "Minnie the Moocher")
*****Section  100.36	Outside Hotel by RV
Elwood:	This is glue. Strong stuff.
*****Section  100.37	Hotel (Orange Whip)
(Jake and Elwood run through the ladies bathroom.)
Well... can you guys go for an Orange Whip?
Anyone want an orange whip?
(Pointing) Orange Whip?
Orange whip?
(Pointing at cop Lackey) Three Orange Whips!
	<<<Folks claim an orange whip is made of either:
	1)	orange juice and Jagermeister (which is Cabbage liquor
	2)	whipped orange drink like an Orange Julius.  Non-alchoholic.
	Anyone know for sure?>>>
(song "Everybody needs somebody")
*****Section  100.38	Sewer Tunnel (Jake removes sunglasses)
Jake:	It wasn't my fault!  Really it wasn't!  An old friend came in 
out of town!  The car ran out of gas!  I got a flat tire!  I didn't have 
enough money for cab fare!  The tux didn't come back from the cleaners!  
There was an earthquake!  A terrible flood!  Locusts!  IT WASN'T MY 
Please don't kill us
Oh, Jake...
*****Section  100.39	Car under bridge
Elwood:	It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half 
a packet of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake:	Hit it.
*****Section  100.40	Hotel (Twigy waiting)
(Twiggy waiting for Elwood.)
*****Section  100.41	Police Road Blocks
Cop:	1974 Dodge sedan.
(Nazi monitoring cop channel)
Jake, wake up, I gotta pull over...
Cop:	Southbound on state four seven.
Cop:	Hi, wanna hand me the mike?
Cop:	This is car...(to officer) What car is this?
Cop:	Five Five.
Cop:	This is car 55...we're in a truck, he he he.
Dispatch Cop:	The use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of 
the Blues Brothers  has been approved.
(They're going 118 mph.)
*****Section  100.42	The big chase scene (tm)
Nazi:	Sir, I have always loved you...
Elwood:	This is definitely Lower Wacker Drive. We should soon be 
coming upon the Honorable Richard J. Daley Plaza.
SWAT Team:	"Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut..."
Let's go.
(sign says "Back in 5 minutes.")
Can I help you?
St. Helen of the ....
5,000 bucks.
And here is your receipt.  <<<Steven Spielburg>>>
*****Section  100.43	Jailhouse Rock Scene
Joe Walsh is the first prisoner that jumps up on the table in the 
closing Jailhouse Rock scene.
(sign says: "It's never too late to mend.")
(song: "Jailhouse Rock")
*****Section 200	Music lyrics
*****Section 210	Lyrics to "Rawhide."
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Though the streams are swollen..
Keep them dogies rollin'
All the things I'm missin
Good viddles love and kissin
Are waitin at the end of my ride.
Head 'em up,  Move 'em out...
*****Section 220	Lyrics to "Stand by your man."
Stand by your man
Sometimes it's hard to be a woman
Giving all your love to just one man
But if he loves you
Try to hold unto him
After all he's just a man
*****Section 230	Lyrics to "She caught the Katy."
She caught the Katy, and left me a mule to ride.
She caught the Katy, and left me a mule to ride.
Well, my baby caught the Katy, left me a mule to ride,
The train pulled out, I swung on behind.
Crazy about her, That hard headed woman of mine.
<<< "Katy" is referring to the Missouri-Kansas-Texas railroad.  Its 
initials are MKT also known as "Katy.">>>
*****Section 240	Lyrics to "Everybody Needs Somebody."
Everybody Needs Somebody
Transcribed from the soundtrack of "The Blues Brothers"
We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight, and we 
would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois' 
law enforcement community that have chosen to join us here in the Palace 
Hotel Ballroom at this time.  We sincerely hope that you enjoy the show.  
And please remember people, no matter who you are, and whatever you do 
to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us 
all the same:  you, me, him, them -- everybody, everybody!
Everybody needs somebody
Everybody needs somebody to love
Someone to love (Someone to love)
Sweetheart to miss (Sweetheart to miss)
Sugar to kiss (Sugar to kiss)
I need you, you, you
I need you, you, you
I need you, you, you in the morning
I need you, you, you when my soul's on fire
Sometimes I feel, I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me, I never never have a place to hide, I need
you, you, you!
I need you, you, you!
I need you, you, you!
I need you, you, you!
You know people when you do find somebody, hold that woman, hold that
man, love him, hold him, squeeze her, please her, hold, squeeze and
please that person, give 'em all your love, signify your feelings with
every gentle caress, because it's so important to have the special
somebody to hold, kiss, miss, squeeze, and please.
Everybody needs somebody
Everybody needs somebody to love
Someone to love (Someone to love)
Sweetheart to miss (Sweetheart to miss)
Sugar to kiss (Sugar to kiss)
I need you, you, you
I need you, you, you
I need you, you, you in the morning
I need you, you, you when my soul's on fire
*****Section 250	Lyrics to "Sweet Home Chicago."
{ guitar intro }
Come on, oh baba don't you want to go
Oh come on, oh baba don't you want to go
Back to that same old place
Sweet home chicago
(( Come on, baba don't you want to go ))
(( Hida-hey, baba don't you want to go ))
(( Back to that same old place ))
(( Oh sweet home chicago ))
Well one and one is two
Six and two is eight
Come on baba don't you make me late
(( Hida-hey, baba don't you want to go ))
(( Back to that same old place ))
(( Sweet home chicago ))
(( Come on, baba don't you want to go ))
(( Oh come on, baba don't you want to go ))
(( Back to that same old place ))
(( Sweet home chicago ))
{ nifty bass runs start }
{ guitar solo }
Six and three is nine
Nine and nine is eighteen
Look there brother baby and you'll see what I've seen
(( Hida-hey, baba don't you want to go ))
(( Back to that same old place ))
(( Sweet home chicago ))
(( Oh come on, baba don't you want to go-oh-ooh ))
(( Come on, baba don't you want to go ))
(( Back to that same old place ))
(( My sweet home chicago ))
{ bass runs throughout }
{ baratone sax solo }
{ trombone solo }
{ sax solo }
{ piano solo }
{ jam } { END }     { watch }
*****Section 300	Roles famous people play in the movie:
Note: Many people are mention in the quotes section (100.x) in which 
they appear.  Check the credits at the end of the movie to see who is 
and who isn't in the movie.  (This may see obvious but you'd be 
surprised how many times this simple action answers arguments.)
Aretha Franklin is Matt "Guitar" Murphy's wife and the waitress/owner(?) 
of the snack bar and takes the famous "Four Fried Chickens and a coke, 
dry white toast"-order.
Steven Spielberg is the clerk at the Cook County Appraiser's office.
Steve Lawrence is booking agent Maury Slein.
Kathleen Freeman is the nun.  She has been in a lot of other things.
Carrie Fisher is Jake's ex-girlfriend/fiance and a weapons expert.
John Candy is a police lieutenant.
Johnny Lee Hooker is a street performer.
Cab Colloway is Curtis, the janitor at the orphanage.
James Brown is Reverend Cleophus James of the Triple Rock Baptist 
Chaka Kahn is the choir soloist.
Paul Ruebins is the waiter in the Chez Paul who takes their champagne 
Paul Ruebins (Pee Wee Herman):	We have a Don Perignon 68 for $110 a 
Ray Charles:	I don't think there's anything wrong with the action on 
this pee-yana!
Ray Charles:	Breaks my heart to see the young go bad.
Frank Oz is the property officer that give Jake back his "valuables" at 
the start of the movie.  Frank Oz also plays/operates Miss Piggy but not 
she's not in the Blues Brothers movie.
Walter Horton as... Walter Horton himself, sitting on his Fender Twin 
and blowing his harmonica.  John Lee Hooker is in the same scene.
The cop who is after them in the mall, and later when the Goodole Boys 
are after them is Steven Williams.  The Captain on 21 Jumpstreet, and 
Black Jack Savage on the show of the same name.
Steve Cropper played and produced much of Otis Reddings work and figured 
in some other STAX era R&B.  Tom "Bones" Malone and Tom Scott Alan 
Rubin, were/are heavy-weight session players out of L.A.  Paul (the 
Shiv) Shaffer has achieved household name recognition as Lettermans 
music man.  Tom "Bones" Malone is presently with Paul Shaffer on the 
Letterman show.  All-in-all a band to be reconded with and very 
expensive to put on the road.  This was surely a factor in the very 
abreviated BB tour.
Donald Duck Dunn and Steve Cropper (not Matt Murphy) played on Otis 
Reddings "Dock of the Bay."  In fact when Belushi was putting the band 
together one of his little tests was to take prospective members to the 
"vault," a sound proof stereo room.  Then he would play various songs at 
super loud volume to see what kind of reaction he would get.  After 
playing "Dock of the Bay," they turned to Belushi teary eyed and said, 
"Man we haven't listened to that song since the night Otis died."
"Blue" Lou Marini was Matt Guitar Murphy's assistant at the Soul Food 
place and Alan Rubin was Mr. Fabulous pulling down 6 bills a week at 
Chez Paul.  Two of the best session men alive.
Information about Alan Rubin (aka "Mr. Fabulous", from the BB:
There is a recording of the "Newport Youth Jazz Band" a Newport Jazz 
Festival; directed by Marshall Brown.  The recording was made sometime 
in the 60's.  The band personnel lists under trumpet Alan Rubin age 16.  
He solos on an entire ballad on the record.  Good player.
*****Section 700	Trivia and Nonsense
What is the intersection that the BB's blow through when they get pulled 
over the first time? (Hint: The Nelson Funeral Home)
The patron at the Toys 'R' Us was purchasing a Grover muppet toy. Grover 
is played/operated by Frank Oz.  The man at the store is the stunt 
coordinator (or something like that).  His name appears in the credits 
three times---for the Miss Piggy scene, as stunt coordinator, and as the 
first name in the list of all the stuntmen in the movie.
The number of cars destroyed in movie: __________ (any guesses here?)
The bridge at the end with all of the construction that the Nazi's fly 
off of...is a fairly famous bridge...in Milwaukee and not in Chicago.
They got a permit and really did drop the Pinto out of a plane over 
I grew up in Milwaukee and we always called it "the brige to nowhere"
since it never seemed to be completed; I'm not sure if it ever was.
*****Section 710	Trivia Quizes for the Blues Brothers
*****Section 711	Blues Brothers Trivia Quiz #1
1) In prison, inmates are identified by a number, what is Jake's?
2) a: What is the name of Carrie Fisher's business?
		a: Curl Up and Dye Beauty Salon
	b: What was she reading when she was seen sitting inside?
		b: A military weapons manual -  FM-121  M-79 Flame Thrower
3) To reach Murph and the Magictones, what is the phone number?
	Their business card looks like this:
		|Disco                     Polka|
		|            MURPH              |
		|      and the Magictones       |
		|          Call Murph           |
		|       (312) KL5-7000          |
		|            Rm. 302            |
		|Parties                Weddings|
4) How many days did Jake and Elwood have to raise the money and get it 
to the assessor's office?
5) (easy one) Elwood traded in the old Bluesmobile for what?
	A microphone.
*****Section 720	Other trivia quizes
1.  What are the actual types of sunglasses worn by a. Jake and b. 
2.  What does Matt "Guitar" Murphy call his women?
3.  What is Jake's nickname?
4.  Do the BB have wifes?
5.  What did Elwood use to write the script for the BB movie?
*****Section 730	Totally useless facts and information
According to the "Guinness Book of Records" the cast and crew of "The 
Blues Brothers" movie set a new world record for per-capita consumption 
of controlled substances during the filming of a major motion picture. 
Only laboratory animals used in scientific experiments are known to have 
exceeded this.
They bought the mall (Dixie mall, Harvey, IL closed for about 20 years 
now) in Chicago for $100,000 or less, built everything inside the mall, 
and destroyed it.  The mall was flattened after they were done.  
Therefore they would have had to stock the mall,parking lot,etc.  But 
here's the kicker: they had to redo some parts of the stunt, requiring 
them to REBUILD and do it again!  I last went by the place about 5 years 
or so ago, and trees were growing in the parking lot. As far as I know 
the mall is still shut down and has not see any business in roughly 20 
years or so.
The movie cost about $38 million which made it the most expensive comedy 
of all time (at that time).  Remember, Ackyroid said at the time that so 
much had to be cut for the final release that only about half the police 
car wrecks made it to the screen and some shameful editing of 
perfomances. (Ever wonder why Aretha never made it to the show?  She 
did, but it's on the cutting room floor.) If ever there was a case for 
an editor's cut Full length re-release, this would be it ehh?
The sign say over the doorway where Elwood was staying said: "Transients 
Welcome."  Chicago has (or had, until gentrification changed the 
demographics of the neighborhoods) lots of hotels for transients which 
are often frequented by hookers.  One was called the Marshall Hotel and 
had a big sign out front with several bulbs burnt out.  Instead of 
saying "Hotel Marshall, Transients Welcome" it said "Ho Marshall, 
Transients Come."
The Blues Brothers drove a 1974 Dodge sedan.
<<<How much is this model car worth today?>>>
Has anyone noticed that Aykroyd tends to use the name of his children in 
his movies?  For example, one of his sons is named Lloyd, and that name 
pops up twice in the BB.  ("Hey, Lloyd.  Anybody call for me on the 
phone?"  It's also the name of the owner of the gas station)  He also 
has a son named Oscar, the name of the posessed baby in Ghostbusters II.  
And is anyone curious about his previuos (1974) marriage and three kids, 
which never seem to be mentioned in interviews?
As another piece of BB trivia, Aykroyd wanted to shoot the concert at 
the Chaudiere Hotel in Aylmer, Quebec.  It's just across the Ottawa 
River from his home town of Ottawa Ontario.  The Chaudiere Hotel, or 
Chaud to regulars, began its life as a grand ballroom back in the 
Forties.  In the late Sixties and Seventies, it became more rundown and 
turned into a terrific rock bar.  It had table seating for about 2500 
people with a balcony as well.
I think the location was just too far and it lost out.  From what I 
understand, Aykroyd, Belushi and Landis made a couple of trips up to 
check the place out.
The Chaud' was torn down about 4 years ago and replaced (replaced? 
NEVER) with a new CP Hotel.
*****Section 770	Quotes not yet identified or catagorized
Cop:	They broke my watch.
Cop:	I'm gonna catch that sucker if it's the last thing I do.
<<<Listen closely, each time after a number of police cars crash into a 
pile, someone says 'They broke my watch'. This occurs first with the 
single upside down car in the mall, the pile up under the el, and the 
pile up on the expressway embankment.>>>
Elwood:	They're not gonna catch us, we're on a mission from God.
Jake:	There it is.  (in referece to the Picasso)
That's where they got that 'Picasso', isn't it?
Don't you say a f**king word.
Elwood:	Cool. We are from a mission from god, I guess.
*****Section 990	Trivia not yet identified or catagorized
General results from the heated "Impenema" song discussion!
The song playing in the elevator at the end of the movie is "The Girl 
from Impenema". This is one of John Landis' in jokes in most of his 
movies. The other is a movie title called "See you next wednesday". This 
is on the the billboard that the cop is hiding behind, it is also the 
movie that David meets his dead victims at in "An American Werewolf in 
"The Girl from Impenema" song is also said in the movie within the movie 
for Thriller and it is on a poster on a wall made to look like a 
recruiter's poster in "Spies like Us."  May also be somewhere in "Amazon 
Women on the Moon," but not sure where.
Ipanema is spelled this exact way on the "Getz & Gilberto" album. It is 
a really strange version and thus perhaps hard to recognize.
The music that was playing in the elevator on the way up to the County 
Registrar's Office (during the "hut hut hut" bit) is "The Girl From 
The Great Lake Controversey!
Where is Lake What-the-heck-sounds-indian is. (The Palace Hotel 
Ballroom, up north at Lake ########). No question, it must be 106 miles 
from Chicago, so it should be in Wisconsin. Anybody ever found out?
Phonetically, I believe it sounded like "woz-za-poo-mah-ni" (no that's 
not real phonetic junk, but you should be able to get the idea). Well, 
from that, I'll make a crack at spelling it: Wasapumani
I think the lake is Wazzapumani or Wasapumani, and I'm pretty sure it 
exists.  Aykroyd was real picky about stuff like that.
I thought they mentioned in the movie that Lake Wadjapomadi(?) was in 
Wisconsin.  If you noticed that when they were broadcasting the event 
from the New Blues Mobile, the counties they mentioned -Cook, Lake and 
DuPage, tend to imply that the ballroom was probably going to be up 
north.  I have it on good word that the actual ballroom where they shot 
the show was at the South Side Country Club, around 67th and Lake Shore 
Drive.  I've noticed that in general the geography of the movie is 
somewhat surreal.
The T.V. version of the movie.  The dubbing was so bad that it was 
great! In the penguin scene Elwood says things like "oh, stop!, oh stop"  
"Bamboozilin" instead of "Bull shit" in the SCMODS/pull-over scene I got 
it off of TV in 1980.
[A reply...]  Not in the UK transmission I [who?!?] have a copy of.
I wonder if you need a section on sight gags. My all time favorite is 
Carrie Fisher's shop, the "Curlup-N-Dye".
Cab Caloway played an important role in influencing Jake and Elwood.  He 
was in the neighborhood of the orphanage while they were growing up. 
(Elwood says, something like: "You were the only one who was ever nice 
to us.  Teaching us how to blow Elmore James tunes on the blues harp").  
I cannot remember his name in the movie but he was deserving of the MC 
Don't leave out the fictional intermediate fate of the Blues Brothers 
Band (while Jake is doing time) appearing at the Ramada Inn.
Some work is called for on the real Blues Brothers Band geneology and 
diskography.  It is a big job.  Does it make sense to take them one at a 
time.  I'll never shake the sound of the fury in Jake's (really in 
Belushi's) voice while he is introducing some of the band. The crowd is 
not responding to his level  of enthusiasm.  He says, "COME ON! thats 
Blue Lou... Lou Marini!"
The following is from Usenet on 11-08-93 at 11:30pm East. Std. Time
Matt Murphy is a chicago blues guitarist/singer.  I believe he also does 
session work at ATTIC records. If you ever get the chance to see him 
playing at a bar definitely go. He is an amazing live performer (and is 
known to play pinball with the patrons between sets). I remember him 
being forced off the stage a couple of nights in Kingston Ont. by the 
management who were afraid of loosing their license (it was only 1.5 
hours after "closing" time at that point). Murphy played in the movie 
"The Big Bus" and also played a painter on the TV show "Murphy Brown."
Which record is playing on the record-table in the scene in the flat 
near the railway? At least the chorus (and probably the title) of the 
song was "Let the Good Times Roll."  I watched this over and over again 
last night and the best I could come up with is that the album is on the 
"Decca" label.  I could swear it was "Soothe Me" by Sam and Dave...but 
maybe that's from some other scene in the film.
Notes from Usenet on 11-09-93
 There is a theartre in Nuremburg (when I was there in 1988-87) that had 
the BB's running for 65 straight weeks.  I went there many a'times.  In 
German the Hispanic woman says: "Mr. Musician, Mr. Musician!"
I think the song was sung by Louis Jordan, but it has probably been 
covered a million times. The name of the song is indeed "Let the Good 
Times Roll."
Benjamin Flynn was the old guy playing cards.
Anyone know if there's some reason for the bottles sitting in the alley 
that the BB's car and the two Nazi cars pass by without hitting?  The 
scene is soon after the Nazi's begin chasing them in The Big Chase Scene 
(tm).  You see the bottles in the alley, and the three cars whip around 
the corner, each narrowly missing the bottles.
I always found that inherently amusing.  Why, I dunno...
Does anyone know which record is playing on the record-table in the 
scene in the flat near the railway?  I could swear it was "Soothe Me" by 
Sam and Dave...but maybe that's from some other scene in the film.
Notes from Usenet on 11-12-93
The alleged "original full movie" refers to the "industry scuttlebutt" 
that says that another hour of the film and double the number of police 
car crack-ups and performances by Aretha Franklin were left on the 
cutting room floor. A strong case for a "Director's Cut",  No?
Who financed the movie?
Did any of the main characters put up some money?
Did any of the audiences for the actual entertainment parts pay a small 
fee to watch (usually the audiences get a few $$ for their time)?
How well can Aretha Franklin lip-sync?  Did she have trouble while 
filming the movie?
Charles C. White			Manager
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Path: isc-newsserver!rit!rochester!rutgers!uwvax!uchinews!iitmax!elof.acc.iit.edu!petebre
From: petebre@elof.acc.iit.edu (Brent A. Peterson)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.blues-brothers
Subject: Re: Here's a Post
Message-ID: <1993Dec2.165526.4328@iitmax.iit.edu>
Date: 2 Dec 93 16:55:26 GMT
References: <CHDBBo.2pC@unccsun.uncc.edu>
Sender: news@iitmax.iit.edu (News)
Organization: Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Lines: 20
In article <CHDBBo.2pC@unccsun.uncc.edu> plscheib@uncc.edu writes:
>I just watched the BB for the first time in a while last night.  While watching,
>I remembered that someone said that everytime the cops crashed, one of them 
>would say, "I broke my watch." 
>Well, I listened very hard at the last cop-pileup and heard the faint quote.
>I'm impressed, who was the one who pointed that out.  And, how did you ever
>hear it without looking for it?
I pointed it out in one my posts... After seeing the movie a number of times
I noticed that only the pile up under the el did not have someone saying 'I
'They Broke my watch' so I just listened closer the next time and heard it.
here is another fact to ponder, each time the blues brothers talk about food
such as when they find murph and magic tones and talk about prison food and
when they first enter bob's country bunker 'pepper steak' is mentioned. I
have wondered what meaning this is supposed to have if any other than to get
people to wonder why its there.		--Bp
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|----------------------------- DAVE SAVES LIVES! ------------oooO-|_|-Oooo---|
|   "So, we took a few liberties with our female guests,  | -------__o 	     |
|   OK, a lot."   <wink>	--Animal House		  | -----_ \<_	     |